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Image Management V2

Updated May 26, 2023

  • Further explanation about POS configuration and use of ADD PICTURE function in POS repairs.
  • In POS repairs, there is a function called ADD PICTURE.
  • Adding a picture to a repair is not a high priority, certainly not for launch.
  • However, the ADD PICTURE button cannot be removed with a modification and pushing through issues on how to use the ADD PICTURE button will address training issues, especially at launch.
  • ADD PICTURE, properly configured, will either, or both:
    • Utilize a camera that is connected to the workstation or as a shared device accessible to the workstation to do a frame capture and attach the image to the repair, or.
    • Allow the selection of an image that is stored on the desktop; this may be necessary if a camera is attached to another device or is captured and saved in another location.


  • Pictures – FTP Folder and Pictures – FTP Host must be supplied, even if there is no actual FTP access for ADD PICTURE to function properly in POS.
  • FOLDER and HOST options in SF on the product master, if any, will be used instead of the configured values.
  • ADD PICTURE process:



  • Select from file will show images on the local workstation at c:\multidev\pos\images\acquired.

Image May 24, 2023

  • Products can be configured to use images from a network share or an FTP site.
  • However, the network and FTP share methods do not allow for a single, simplified configuration for Smartforms (buyers), Shopify updating and POS and are slower than storing images on a web site accessible by a URL.
  • Using images stored on a website allows the same pathing information to be used in Smartforms (buyer set-up and preview), POS (product pages and customer display) and updates to Shopify.
  • This documentation does not address methods or processes to manage or store images on a specific website or within specific folders.
  • As of this writing, images are managed through processes in Universe and are stored at Spiderlink with website access provided through virtual folders.
  • Images can be managed directly with an FTP client by accessing the Spiderlink FTP server with the correct credentials and access to the required sub-folders (directory path).
  • As of this writing, images are stored and mapped as follows:

Directory Path Virtual Directory; Description of Images \ftphome\misc.web\daniels.web DAN; Daniel’s merchandise sold in stores and on-line \ftphome\misc.web\webvend.web MISC; third party vendors; NOT sold in stores \ftphome\misc.web\qgold.web QGLD; Quality Gold

With this configuration, images are accessed with: http:\\dan[image file name] http:\\misc[image file name] http:\\qgld[image file name]

  • However, images for Quality Gold should be referenced from the Quality Gold website directly.
  • Within Smartforms, the table PICTURE holds the information needed to link images to products.
  • The PICTURE table can be loaded from an import or maintained through the Product Management/Images usage.
  • For the purposes of importing to the PICTURE table for use as call to a website.
    • The PRODUCTID is required, but a lookup from PRODUCTCODE or other value can be written into the import process.
    • ORDERINDEX can be set to specific the order in which multiple images are displayed, ORIDERINDEX 0 is the default.
    • VIEWANGLE (T[op], B[ottom], F[ront]) and DESC_1 (TOP, BOTTOM, FRONT) can also be set.
    • FILENAMEONLY, HOST and FOLDER can be used to specify the image location:
        • If a default website location has been set in the POS configurator, only the filename needs to be included, i.e., 10100022.jpg
        • If the file is located at another web location, the full URL path can be used and it will override the default website location, if any, i.e/.
      • For images retrieved from a website, HOST and FOLDER should not be used and are ignored if used; this are partial implementation options for FTP storage and retrieval.
      • As of this writing, the default website location is set in the configurator as (note trailing backslash); see POS configurator notes below.
  • For the purposes of managing images in Smartforms, use the IMAGES sub-usage under Product Management, Inventory Management and provide the required information.
  • The vendor catalog process can import image information.
    • For images stored at, only the file name needs to be provided as // is set as default in the POS Configurator.
    • For images stored on a vendor’s website or website other than the default website set in the POS Configurator, the full URL path needs to be provided.


  • NOTE: For website (URL) access, the ONLY value that pertains to this discussion is Pictures – Location Prefix.